Meet the GET Collaborative
Founding Members
Ania McDonnell
Ania has her Masters of Public Policy from the Humphrey School of Public Affairs, specializing in gender policy and urban and regional planning, and earned her bachelor’s degree from Hamline University. She has extensively researched the topic of gender and transportation, culminating in her final masters thesis she wrote titled "Gender Mainstreaming City Comprehensive Plans" where she worked with State and Local Policy Program Director, Frank Douma. Ania is a policy analyst where she conducts research and tax policy analysis of Minnesota legislative policies.
Frank Douma
Frank Douma is director of the State and Local Policy Program at the Humphrey School of Public Affairs, and a research scholar at the Center for Transportation Studies, both located at the University of Minnesota. His research focuses on policy and legal issues related to transportation technologies, including telework, tolling and other transportation finance tools, safety, and self-driving vehicles.
Kristin White
Kristin White is Executive Director of Minnesota’s Connected and Automated Vehicle (CAV) Office, one of the nation’s leading tech startups and incubators within state government. Her program harnesses innovative technologies to advance transportation safety, equity, mobility, health and sustainability. Kristin is a lawyer and policy strategist who oversees a multidisciplinary team to innovate policy, strategy, research, testing and deployment of emerging transportation technologies.
the AASHTO Transportation Innovation Award.
Hally Turner
Hally Turner collaborates across industries and disciplines to challenge the complex social factors impacting health and well-being. Her current work at the Minnesota Department of Transportation includes advancing equity, planning for connected and automated vehicles, and coordinating updates to and implementation of the 20-year statewide multimodal transportation plan. She leads processes to bring more voices into transportation decisions, and delivers projects focusing on people often underserved and underrepresented in planning.
Yingling Fan
Dr. Yingling Fan is Professor of Urban and Regional Planning at the University of Minnesota. Her research focuses on developing novel land use and transportation solutions to improve human health and social equity. Her recent work focuses on public transportation development, emotional well-being in cities, and community-engaged transportation equity research.
Tammy Meehan Russell
Tammy is a catalyst for change in the new mobility and smart cities initiatives. She is the Chief Catalyst of The PLUM Catalyst, a strategy and technical market development boutique DBE consulting firm; operating at the intersection of the future mobility technology companies, research entities and governments who want to prepare for and deploy the latest in mobility technologies.
GET Collaborative Steering Committee
Alyssa Ryan, PhD Candidate and Engineer
Amy Schrempp, DEED
Ania McDonnell, HHH Alumni
Ashley Asmus, Data Scientist, Metro Transit
Catherine Walker, MnDOT
Courtney Whited, MN Board on Aging
Dawn Hood , U of MN CTS
Frank Douma, U of MN HHH School
Galen Ryan, UMN PhD Student
Gina Baas, U of MN CTS
Gloria Jeff, Livability Director, MnDOT
Grecia White, Student at Northeastern University
Hally Turner, MnDOT
Heidi Corcoran, Milligan Partners
Heidi Shallberg, Metropolitan Council
Jonathan Ehrlich, Metropolitan Council
Katie Caskey, HDR
Kristin White, MnDOT
Nicole Griensewic, Executive Director of the Region Nine Development Commission
Nissa Tupper, MnDOT
Philip Schaffner, MnDOT
Rachel Cagle, Metro Transit
Rebecca Freese, UMN PhD Student
Saif Benjaafar, U of MN Computer Science
Shelly Pflaum, Access Coordinator, United Community Action Partnership in Marshall, MN
Tammy Meehan Russell, Plum Catalyst
Tara Olds, MnDOT
Tom Fisher, U of MN Design School
Yaxuan Zhang, UMN Graduate Research Assistant
Ying Song, U of MN Geography
Yingling Fan, U of MN HHH School
Zhi-Li Zhang, U of MN Engineering